TerraMar Founder Speaks at the United Nations, Lady Ghislaine Maxwell WTFU

Ghislaine Maxwell
Ocean leaders and the TerraMar Project founder tell the world why an ocean-specific sustainable development goal at the United Nations is essential to healthy oceans for generations to come. My opinion is that politicians and elite of our world are complicit in crimes against humanity and braindead!! Yes, the founder of one UN supported organization chose to shower Ghislaine Maxwell with praise overflowing… all the while she is the madam who recruits for Jeffery Epstein to fill his pedophilia island with sex toys who were once little boys and girls, members of families, and children of God. Then, they were forcefully taken in by human traffickers like Ghislaine Maxwell.
WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! This is why we as Americans do not want the UN to have control of our lives; they all are perverts and cover the crimes of their associates, or worse still are/maybe consumers of trafficked children. Do your own Research!!
There is even a law firm who focus specifically on her crimes and compensation for the victims of sex trafficking at her hands. Today March 25, 2021 appears to be the last day to join this massive suit for victims.
Watch this video where Ghislaine invites the UN to support TerraMar. Listen to the video at 3.28
Watch the Waters
Undersea charities.
Connect them.
TerraMar is not unique.
Blue Prosperity – Waitt
Oceans 5:- Rockefeller
LDF – DiCaprio
Why was Leonardo DiCaprio awarded by the Clinton Foundation?
For 2 million to “Oceans 5”?
Why did billionaire Ted Waitt donate 10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation around the same time he was helping Ghilsaine Maxwell learn to pilot submarines and helicopters on board their private yacht?
Blue Prosperity.
Ghislaine Maxwell founded Terramar Project, a nonprofit, and was Principal Officer.
Steven Haft was on the board at Terramar, before it closed just after Epstein got arrested.
Steven Haft was a big Hollywood block chain producer.
Why did James Biden get a loan from Scott Green whom the Biden family sold a parcel of land on Water Island (just a short distance from Epstein Island) to, instead of going through a bank?
Not much saving oceans.
Very much laundering money
Providing kids for the ‘network’
This goes so much deeper…
1/3 of fish harvested are used to feed livestock chicken tastes like fish.
Fish is code for Andrenochrome.
Albert Fish was a child rapist and cannibal.
The underseas charities are trafficking cartels run by the Elite.
International waterways fall under no jurisdiction.
Anyone can do anything under water.
Terra-Mar=> Ghilsaine Maxwell
Terra-Mar=> Clinton Foundation.
Ghislaine Maxwell => Ted Waitt.
Ted Waitt=> Waitt Foundation.
Waitt Founders => Clint. Founders.
Waitt Founders => Gates Founders.
Ted Waitt+ G.M.=> Water Island.
Water Island => Biden Family.
Bridges, Bridges everywhere.