
I’m in my 50’s, and my story began with using Young Living Essential Oils in 1996 after listening to several talks about essential oils, chemicals used in home products, and options for healthier lifestyle changes. At this point in my life I have left my employment to spend time with my two boys (who were 10 months and 3 years old). I was looking for ways to build my family’s immune system and had chosen not to vaccinate my children. Once I received my Essential 7 kit, my family started our epic adventure toward the abundant life we live today.
I learned the skin is the largest organ in the body – and everything we put on our skin goes into the bloodstream. I realized my family’s health was in my hands – the choices I was making were changing their lives in a great way.
At that point, my family was educated enough to successfully replace toxic products in our home – we were now aware of the options for healthy living. I eliminated nearly all harmful products from my home, and replaced them with safe, immune-building, oxygenating products.
D. Gary Young (the Founder of Young Living Essential Oils) became a personal friend and mentor as I began to build my business – I studied Gary’s trainings for years and learned so much from him. After 20+ years, I’ve observed our bodies are well designed machines with the ability to correct many of our health issues – if only given the chance.
I love riding my motorcycle with family and friends. Living in upstate NY, we only get to ride several months of the year but, if you try and call me and can’t reach me, now you know where I am, Lol