Note: UK Gov't will compensate victims of covid-19 Vaccine to the tune of £120,000. That's the taxpayers who will compensate victims, not the pharma g…
Doctors offices in the US are typically filled with majority support personnel who are female. Doctors are beginning to taking a stance to protect the…
Emergency Sunday Broadcast! World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document: See the Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security, lead by Anthony Fauci produce…
New Yorkers, your Freedoms are now officially Gone!! You have too many sheeple in your communities who are not standing up to school nurses, elected c…
The COVID-19 pandemic has made facemasks vital for everyday life. But can they really protect you from COVID-19 or are they just providing you with a …
These can be posted on your door and around your business. You can keep one at your front desk to hand to anyone who complains about someone w/o a mas…
"A London psychiatrist has said he is not under any doubt that the coronavirus lockdown has led to a surge in mental health referrals for children, sa…