Join the Fight! Ride for the USA with ARISE USA Resurrection Tour.

Restoring Faith, Family, Family Farms and Freedom to the USA; Help us in restoring America as it was meant to be!! The Tour Begins May 16,2021; Find out when the tour will be near you and clear your calendar to attend with your family. Uplifting, positive leaders will be their with an action plan to take back America.
Join Us at the ARISE USA Resurrection Tour! Read more here:
Here is the Schedule for the Tour: (opens in a new tab)
Trent Loos a true cowboy from the Midwest and participant in the upcoming Resurrections Tour wrote, “We have decided that in order to save the republic, we must motivate the masses to show up and be heard. I have witnessed more people wearing caps that say, “We the People” in the past six months than I have in my 55 years on earth. It is that fire in the belly that allowed us to make the decision to join the “2021 Arise USA: Resurrection Tour.” The tour will focus on and promote constitutional counties, faith, family and freedom.
On May 16, we will embark from Atlanta, Georgia, in three tour buses and set sail for 111 days with 84 scheduled stops to spread the message of freedom. The message, by the way, is not something new but rather one that was penned on Sept. 17, 1787, at the signing of the United States Constitution. It very clearly delegates the power to the people and implores them to exercise their rights to a representative republic at the local level.” Read the full article here… Arise USA: The Resurrection Tour
Watch this interview by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon & Robert David Steele to learn more about Arise USA The Resurrection Tour.
Check out one of the buses for the tour that are dedicated to the Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association https://CSPOA.ORG