My Heart Was Transformed Letter #2


Kathy Breen

Hello Friends,

I was in such a hurry to get that last email out to you all, I forgot to register myself at the discounted rate.

Oh well, it’s all good and now I have taken some more time to share a bit more with you. This is the first email written by me, from me in a long, long time. Prior messages were either from my awesome assistant, who calls himself my “geek”, who’s really my brother-in-law or Mary Starr or someone but not me as I am not a writer. If you do not always come from LOVE, you are not in spiritual alignment. Believe me; I was not in spiritual alignment or even close to it.


I am humbled to say out of the 20 years and the thousands of people I have worked with, I have received hundreds of Thank you cards and emails and only one person has repeatedly expressed quite the opposite opinion of me on several occasions. They let me know how full of myself and selfish I am and that I am losing it. “That a true leader inspires does not dictate.” When I received the “not so nice” text my first thought was to reply in defense of myself. The “old” Kathy would have reacted with a “not so nice” reply, which would have led to many a nasty text back and forth with each of us trying to prove we were right. Instead I took a deep, reflected back on all I have been learning and instead I replied with “May God Bless you, I will pray for you”. It felt so much better.


Later that night as I was driving to Yoga, which is another new thing for me, the text conversation was going on in my head. You all know you can’t just forget something like that immediately. We, as humans, tend to go over and over things in our head. Then the “ah ha” moment happened. I realized how this person who sent the text was really one of my angels. If you have watched “Miracles from Heaven”, you can relate. If not, I recommend you watch. It was recommended by another angel in my life. I realized I have been like this person many times with many of you. I have sent nasty opinionated, EGO based, judgmental text and emails, so I would like to say “I am SO VERY SORRY for this, Please forgive me. You see, this all happened for a reason, so I could “apologize” to you all as I have been carrying self-guilt. Whenever we hurt another with words or actions we cannot be at peace with ourselves.


We will have some form of self guilt or some may call it Karma. I totally agree. A true leader does inspire and that is exactly what this text has inspired me to do. Inspire you all. This is just the start of my serving you. My inspiring you! Spirit, God, the Universe, Higher Power, whatever you want to call it, has chosen me to be a messenger. First with Young Living and the many, wonderful health benefits as well as financial abundance it can bring you. With regard to vaccinations, microwaves, mammograms, fluoride, etc. I am quite opinionated, aren’t I? Some of you would say that. Some will disagree, some will agree. Actually nothing I rage on about is opinion, its fact. I have a higher power guiding me. This lucky to have graduated high school, white-haired, crazy lady, as our son Jared calls me, does not have the ability to guide anyone down a path unless guided “herself”. That’s how I know. I did not get where I am alone or even with the help of all of you in my Young Living family.


It was a Higher Power that chose me to be the voice and chose you to do your mission. I have learned my life and all that was “not as I wanted it” was a direct reflection of me. I have a wonderful, loving, supportive, talented, handsome husband and it took Dani Johnson to make me truly realize this. I have talked so badly about him. I have dishonored him. He has been a jerk at times because I was a jerk of a wife. I did not see that until this last training. Just the right words were spoken to make me wake up. I know God chose those words, she was just the messenger. So, if I am losing it, I chose to lose “it”, not him. I’ve spent thousands on personal development and will continue. Lao Tzu says “consider yourself like a plant, if you are not growing, you are in the process of dying”.


All the teachers basically all have the same message which is proof it works, we just have to connect with the ones who we resonate with. I choose now to come from Love, being in alignment with spirit is coming from love. If I slip up, please remind me and forgive me.


Forgiveness is another very important thing I learned. We not only have to forgive others, we have to forgive ourselves. Louise Hay is a wonderful teacher who teaches this very well. (Try YL Valerian Essential Oil #3648 to help with Forgiveness.) The investment in me is more important than anything. To save my marriage, to bring harmony in a home that has been not so harmonious, is worth everything to me. I am sure many of you feel the same or have the same going on in your home.


Although I had listened to many teachers and attended trainings, things were still not in harmony. Things were bad. Money or title means nothing if you are not if you are not feeling good, with your health or your relationships. I was ready, willing and able to do whatever it took. Whatever the cost, I would invest in me. This second First Steps to Success is what worked for me. Listening to all the CD’s was not enough. I cannot Thank Dr. Mary Starr enough for not giving up on me. Many of you have expressed the same to me regarding Young Living, so keep that in mind. To me, you cannot put a price on the “peace within me” feeling I have as a result of my 2nd Dani Johnson “First Steps to Success” trainings. Please know I was kindly asked to keep Dani Johnson to myself. I believe I recall being asked the same thing 20 years ago about Young Living. Maybe not quite the same way, but you get the point. If I did just that would you be reading this right now?? Would you even know about Young Living? Maybe! Just saying!


I am being guided so if you would like to unsubscribe yourself to this information you can click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. I am committing to weekly guidance to you all and welcome all positive feedback from what you learn. I chose to learn from those who have what I want. “A happy marriage or relationship, financial freedom, peace within, health and a connection to God, Spirit, the Universe, Higher Power.” If you would like to have a better life, I will share what has worked for me for FREE More to come each week! Remember, things don’t happen to us, they happen for us.


Many Blessings coming your way, Love & Blessings,

Kathy Breen

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